Is Msq Roulette Worth It

Posted : admin On 4/9/2022
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In addition, the coffers that appear upon completing Eden’s Gate: Refulgence (Savage) yield weapons. You cannot complete the dungeon with an undersized party and receive the memory. Hunts reward a currency which can be used to purchase gear, materia, and upgrade items. It’s still on a weekly lockout, but it rewards i480 Edencall gear, which is likely a step up from anything you’ve gotten so far – unless you’ve dabbled in crafted pieces. Aside from dropping weapons, completion of an Extreme trial duty will reward one token. It contains easy to parse resource channels for every single class, guides for each class, as well as various utilities and tools to help a player improve. You can acquire the gil to purchase gear easily by selling materials bought with Tomestones of Phantasmagoria. To unlock Memoria Misera (Extreme), players must talk with the Wandering Dramaturge in Gangos (X:6.8 Y:5.2) after completing the quest {The Bozja Incident}. The information listed includes the level you can equip the Body Armor Level 1-50, the price you can sell it to an NPC for, info on who can equip the item and any info relating to stats that the item may have. Therefore, you can acquire some high iL items quickly to boost your item level. This questline requires the completion of the Stormblood Alliance raid series Return to Ivalice. This guide will help you get an understanding of how FFXIV’s endgame systems work, as well as how to gear up and what types of endgame PvE content exist. Further questions can be asked in questions channels, where dedicated mentors and peers will help you with more in-depth questions that can’t be answered in the guide or resources. Teil des „FINAL FANTASY XIV Produzentenbriefs LIVE, Der 27. This reward can be exchanged with Ghul Gul in Amh Araeng (X:26.6 Y:16.4) or Yhal Yal in Eulmore (X:10.0 Y:11.5) for lightweight tomestones, which can in turn be exchanged for weapons. Three are considered “outdated content”, as they were released prior to 5.2, a raid cycle patch. Endgame content isn’t for everyone, and that’s okay. Parties will expect you to call out a certain role and perform certain mechanics according to the strategy that is widely used. Here be footer where I put stuff. Rewards i480 Idealized gear with 5 materia slots.

Expert Roulette requires you to complete all dungeons within the roulette at least once to unlock.

Valentione’s Day Love Letter Contest (NA), Développement futurs de FINAL FANTASY XIV, Evénements organisés par l'équipe communautaire, « La lettre du producteur LIVE » : huitième émission, « La lettre du producteur LIVE » : septième émission, « La lettre du producteur LIVE » : sixième émission, Concours : « Décoration d’Œufs Éorzéens », « La lettre du producteur LIVE » : cinquième émission. Teil des „FINAL FANTASY XIV Produzentenbriefs LIVE”, Der 40.

Right side gear equips are considered “accessories”. Unlocked via the quest On the Threshold given by Dig Site Chief at Kholusia (X:34.7 Y:18.2). Even so, the first three encounters in the Eden’s Verse (Savage) raid tier are of similar difficulty and relatively easy, so if you want to start getting some practice, go for it! Cinder Drift (Extreme) drops i485 weapons. In fact, a ton of endgame and social content use Discord. Teil des „FINAL FANTASY XIV Produzentenbriefs LIVE, Der 14.

For starters, unlock Duty Roulette: Expert (DREX) by chugging through the MSQ (at your own pace!) 99 tokens can be traded for the duty’s Extreme mount which is a rare drop. Most Extreme Trials reward strong weapons and a coveted Primal mount, while other Extreme Trials can reward accessories or even gear. Quests progress important storylines, especially the MSQ, which is needed to progress through each expansion, and award gear and items along the way. Sidequests usually aren't needed much during a player's first level up attempt, but they can pass the time well. These are serious boss fights that come in 8- and 24-player versions.

As of Patch 5.2, the weekly lockout has been removed from the Copied Factory.

Is msq roulette worth it game

Upon completing the Copied Factory, players can also earn a separate reward: one Manufactured Coin.

Rewards an addition 50 Allegory in addition to the dungeon rewards. The average item level of all your equips dictates your item level. It is highly recommended to watch a guide before tackling these Trials.

Teil des „FINAL FANTASY XIV Produzentenbriefs LIVE”, Der 43. All duties have a required minimum item level. « La lettre du producteur LIVE » : quatrième émission, « La lettre du producteur LIVE » : troisième émission, Der 8. I highly recommend selling the materials you can purchase with Phantasmagoria for gil, in order to purchase crafted HQ i480 Neo-Ishgardian gear from the marketboard. The second wing of the Eden (Savage) raid was released with Patch 5.2. The base item level for that patch’s content is the maximum item level for the previous patch cycle +10. The Seatcret MSQ trial released in 5.3 drops i495 weapons. Doing so is likely more efficient than purchasing i460 Deepshadow gear. You have a lot more things open to you now! The raid composition is 3 Tanks, 6 Healers, and 15 DPS, with three parties of 1 Tank, 2 Healers, and 5 DPS each. Currently, the Relic is at i500 with five materia slots. This guide will help you get an understanding of how FFXIV’s endgame systems work, as well as how to gear up and what types of endgame PvE content exist. Stay tuned for links when completed! Teil des „FINAL FANTASY XIV Produzentenbriefs LIVE, Rekrutierungsvideo-Wettbewerb der Freien Gesellschaften, Der 11. This means you can farm the entire set for any job you desire. The Grand Cosmos is unlocked through {A Grand Adventure} @ The Ocular (X:6.1 Y:6.0) by talking to the Crystal Exarch. Learning Parties are for fresh learning of the encounter. Teil des „FINAL FANTASY XIV Produzentenbriefs LIVE”, Der 41. A Gear Set is a set of numerous pieces of themed armor that shares a few things in common. Crafting & Gathering content will be hosted by another site. Teil des „FINAL FANTASY XIV Produzentenbriefs LIVE, Der 13. Teil des „FINAL FANTASY XIV Produzentenbriefs LIVE, Video-Wettbewerb zum einjährigen Jubiläum, Der 16. This is considered Endgame content, which we’ll tackle in a later section.)

Upon reaching the level cap, gear progression is based on Item Level, commonly referred to as i or iL.


Endgame gear with higher item levels are acquired through dungeons, trials, raids, crafting, and tomestones. For starters, unlock Duty Roulette: Expert (DREX) by chugging through the MSQ (at your own pace!) 99 tokens can be traded for the duty’s Extreme mount which is a rare drop. Most Extreme Trials reward strong weapons and a coveted Primal mount, while other Extreme Trials can reward accessories or even gear. The difficulty is around the same as the previous tier, but watch guides if you want to prepare extra. There’s more MSQ. Teil des „FINAL FANTASY XIV Produzentenbriefs LIVE”, Der 34. This step does not increase any of the stats or damage the weapon does, and is purely cosmetic. Creative Writing Contest (NA), Starlight Starbright Screenshot Contest (NA), Letter from the Producer LIVE Part XXXVIII, Letter from the Producer LIVE Part XXXVII, Letter from the Producer LIVE in Frankfurt (EU), Letter from the Producer LIVE Part XXXIII, The “Eorzean Home Makeover (Extreme)” Contest (NA), Letter from the Producer LIVE in Las Vegas (2016), Letter from the Producer LIVE: E3 2016 Edition, Letter from the Producer LIVE Part XXVIII, Starlight Celebration Comic Strip Contest (NA), Starlight Celebration Comic Strip Contest (EU), Airship Components: Research and Development (NA), Memories of Eorzea Screenshot Contest (NA), Memories of Eorzea Screenshot Contest (EU), Heavensward Free Company Recruitment Contest (NA), Heavensward Free Company Recruitment Contest (EU), Letter from the Producer LIVE – Special Edition, Starlight Celebration Screenshot Contest (NA), Starlight Celebration Screenshot Contest (EU), Letter from the Producer LIVE in Las Vegas, FFXIV: ARR One Year Anniversary Video Contest (NA), FFXIV: ARR One Year Anniversary Video Contest (EU), Letter from the Producer LIVE: E3 Edition, Little Ladies' Day Screenshot Contest (NA), Little Ladies' Day Screenshot Contest (EU), FFXIV: ARR Free Company Recruitment Contest (NA), FFXIV: ARR Free Company Recruitment Contest (EU), XIII Days – Your Fate is Sealed Contest (NA). Hunts are usually coordinated with a third-party software, Discord, mainly used for VOIP and chatting. The raid is a crossover with the Nier series, and features prominent characters from the Nier universe. Teil des „FINAL FANTASY XIV Produzentenbriefs LIVE“, Der 4. All weekly lockouts are reset at Tuesday, 1AM PST/4 AM EST/8AM GMT. Upon completing Eden’s Gate (Savage) duties, treasure coffers will appear containing Edengrace Coffers. If you don’t have access to those, you’ll have to build your item level the organic way – step by step.

10 posts per page is only the default setting; it is bad, and you should feel bad if you haven't changed it. Roulettes queue you up for a random duty selected from those available within the Roulette. The Adventurer in Need bonus for Duty Roulette: Leveling and Duty Roulette: Alliance rewards two Cracked Planiclusters and one Cracked Stellacluster.

Unlocking the Relic quest requires the completion of the Return to Ivalice Alliance raid.

The composition is 3 Tanks, 6 Healers, and 15 DPS, with three parties of 1 Tank, 2 Healers, and 5 DPS each. However, if you have an interest in tackling the hardest PvE (Player versus Environment) content FFXIV has to offer, start reading below! If you do not wish us to set cookies on your device, please do not use the website. A minimum item level of 455 is required to enter the Heroes’ Gauntlet.

Upgrading gear is very straightforward in FFXIV. Finally, the Ultimate difficulty is for the battle-hardened veteran raider, and requires you to beat Savage before you can even challenge it! Get your feet wet in PF and join learning parties, and work towards that clear! Tokens can be exchanged for gear at Ghul Gul in Amh Araeng (X:26.6 Y:16.4), or Yhal Yal in Eulmore (X:10.0 Y:11.5). The difficulty is slightly higher than that of Normal raids, so if you don’t care about spoilers I recommend watching a guide beforehand. Since Eden’s Gate (Normal) is uncapped, you’ll be able to amass tokens to purchase i450 gear, giving you a noticeable bump up in terms of item level, hopefully allowing you to hit i440. Some rare hunts have difficult spawn conditions, but doing them is well worth the reward. In addition, if you’re a NieR fan, the raid is amazing. To unlock Eden’s Gate (Savage), players must talk with Lewrey in Amh Araeng (X:26.8 Y:16.4) after completing the quest {The Next Piece of the Puzzle}. You’ll need to trade in your crafted pieces to get tokens, which can be exchanged with an item called Undersea Rain for i490 HQ pieces. Your first Relic weapon is free upon completion of the quest, and further weapons cost tokens purchasable with Tomestones of Poetics. The Dancing Plague (Extreme) drops i450 weapons. This website uses cookies. Grand Company and Rowena’s House of Splendors resets at 1PM PST/4PM EST/8PM GMT. Below is a list of Body Armor Level 1-50 in FFXIV: A Realm Reborn.

Much of the content and positive outlook in here was inspired by the most recent Endgame Gearing guide on /r/ffxiv. i450 Crafted Gear can be traded in along with Phantasmagoria materials for i460 Augmented Gear. All endgame content from previous expansions rewards Tomestones of Poetics, which can be exchanged for any previous expansion’s endgame gear. To complete this step you need 6x Bitter Memory of the Dying (Green). Best-in-Slot (BiS) gear is the best gear you can possibly have at the time. 20x Tortured Memory of the Dying (Yellow). Treasure coffers that appear upon completing Eden’s Verse will not yield gear, but instead will yield items that can be traded for gear of your choosing. Unlocked after talking to the Minstreling Wanderer at The Crystarium (X:7.5 Y:12.5). Currently, i450 and i480 crafted gear exist. These can be obtained by completing the Duty Roulette (Leveling) and Any Level 60 Dungeon. You may be expected to know a little about the encounter, but for the most part assume everyone is going in fresh and blind. A minimum item level of 440 is required to enter Eden’s Gate (Savage), as well as an MSQ dungeon, Anamnesis Anyder. While on a weekly lockout, this raid – the second of the YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse series – drops i490 gear as well as rewards a token once per week that can be traded in for items that augment your Crystarium gear from i490 to i500. Mes questions à Yoshi-P et Banri Oda pour le Q&R de gamescom 2019 !

Upon completing Eden’s Verse (Savage) duties, treasure coffers will appear containing Edenchoir Coffers.

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Dec 11th, 2019
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Is Msq Roulette Worth ItMsq
  1. There’s two parts to this question: a subjective and objective answer. The subjective portion is a lot easier to answer: It might be fun, but fun is subjective. If you like the idea of collecting spells like Pokemon, having a non-traditional rotation, and having to play with game mechanics that otherwise are ignored (like elemental resistances in Masked Carnival, status resistances/immunities, and modular gameplay), then you’ll probably have fun with BLU! A lot of the “gacha” element of BLU has been eliminated with the 5.15 update: if you have a full party of synched BLU, skill drops are almost (if not entirely) guaranteed.
  2. Objectively, BLU is a nice utility class. Some examples of its utility include:
  3. ```-Beast Tribes. Especially for ARR Beast Tribes, you’re required to level synch to complete the required FATEs. So, it doesn’t matter if you have a BiS DPS at level 80; you’ll still have to sync to 50, and BLU have access to their instant kill spells (which work on these FATE bosses!). So, if you haven’t completed old Beast Tribes, BLU lets you run through them *much* faster.
  4. -Allied Seals. This is the old hunt currency, similar to sacks of nuts dropped from current hunts. Allied Seals can be spent to get old riding maps for ARR zones (which is particularly helpful, since these zones don’t have flying, and DoL return to gather materials from these areas) and Grand Company specific glamours. Upon finishing a portion of the BLU class questline, you have additional options to spend your Allied Seals on. These include an exclusive emote, several orchestrion scrolls, and grade VIII combat materia.
  5. -Reoccurring Irregular Mog Tomestone Events. This event has occurred twice already, and tends to offer gear as rewards that come from content that’s otherwise rarely done (like Diadem mounts). They also tend to offer hard to acquire orchestrion scrolls/minions/triple triad cards, and have exclusive glamours. These events are best farmed with BLU parties: a party of 4 BLU players can clear Tam-Tara within 3-5 minutes per run, whereas MSQ roulette takes about 30-40 minutes with the unskippable cutscenes. To give a comparison, it takes about 15 hours of MSQ roulette to get 100 irregular tomestones, and it takes about 60-90 minutes to get 100 irregular tomestones with BLU runs.```
  6. :BLU: Unlocking Spells :BLU:
  7. To unlock Blue Mage spells, you must first see the monster using that spell or skill in combat, and then defeat the monster. If the monster’s cast is interrupted (by CC or death), it will not count. There are some factors regarding BLU learning (such as the rank of the spell, or party composition), but it currently appears that a synced party of all BLU players will learn spells with 100% accuracy.
  8. Some spells are specific to dungeons, some spells are specific to primals, whereas other spells are able to be learned from overworld mobs.
  9. There are a plethora of resources for helping with collecting blue magic spells. We’ve included a few links so that you can choose your favorite.
  13. :BLU: Masked Carnivale :BLU:
  14. The Masked Carnivale is a solo instance in which players engage in predetermined encounters. For an additional challenge, players can attempt to fulfill bonus requirements; examples of these bonuses might be: casting only a single elemental spell, casting one of each elemental, taking no damage, healing no damage, or clearing the stage in a timely fashion. There are currently 30 Masked Carnivale stages (the first 25 are for level 50 BLU, with 5 more added for level 60 BLU). The first-time completion of these stages will reward players with gil, allied seals, and tomestones of poetics. In addition, there are three stages that are selected every week as a weekly goal; these tasks require the player to complete masked carnival stages while fulfilling bonus requirements. Successful completion of weekly goals, with their prescribed bonus requirements, will provide players with an additional bonus of gil, allied steals, and tomestones of poetics.
  15. There’s a lot of guides for Masked Carnivale. Here are some that have been useful for our community.
  16. Stages 1-30:
  17. Stages 1-25:
  18. Stages 26-30:
  19. A common question is how you get the achievements for the Masked Carnivale, specifically Stage 25 and Stage 30.
  20. For Stage 25: Deal damage with each element (earth, wind, fire, water, ice, lightning) and each physical type (piercing, blunt, and slashing). Take zero damage. Complete the Stage quick enough to earn Too Fast, Too Furious.
  21. For Stage 30: Deal damage with each element (earth, wind, fire, water, ice, lightning) and each physical type (piercing, blunt, and slashing). Take zero damage. Complete the Stage quick enough to earn Too Fast, Too Furious. Destroy all 3 clones during Part 3.
  22. :BLU: What Do I Meld? / What’s BiS? :BLU:
  23. We do not currently have an optimal BLU set. Expect this to be updated. This might take slightly longer than typical, because we have to determine what loops are considered a gain for DPS, and the SpS that makes these comfortable might vary on your preference and ping. Currently, you can clear all Masked Carnivale content with ilvl255 gear (HQ Bloodhempen armor/HQ Triphane), so don’t let that keep you from trying this content out!
  24. There is currently a lot of questioning about Aetheryte Earring. The earring does not have the display 97 INT on it; that value is for a Level 80 character. Instead it offers less INT than an ilvl270 piece.
  25. Currently, a decent option would be: Max ilvl>Melding SpS to your comfort level>Crit>DH>Det>SpS. Max ilvl lets you have the highest INT. BLU’s damage formulas do not use weapon damage, so maximizing INT is a priority. Healers might focus Det>Crit>DH, as Gobskin cannot crit. Tenacity does not work for BLU, so even Tank BLU mains will not meld Tenacity.
  26. :BLU: What Are My Key Skills? :BLU:
  27. **Regardless of role, these skills are useful: **
  28. 220 Potency Skill and Song of Torment: Song of Torment is a 550 potency DoT, and one of our strongest GCDs. There’s a variety of 220 potency skills that you can use to serve as “filler” in your rotation. Examples include Glower, Flamethrower, Plainscracker, Protean Wave, And Northernlies. The difference between these is largely the range and cast shape (line, cone, targeted aoe, self-targeted aoe, etc). Glower and Reflux are suggested for ease of use. Be considerate with the properties of your filler spell, as some might be detrimental (e.g., Protean Wave’s knockback during AoE).
  29. Off-Guard and/or Peculiar Light. Before your burst window, you often will use one of these skills. If you have two BLUs in your party, one can apply Off-Guard, and the other can apply Peculiar Light. Peculiar Light only affects magic damage, which does make use opt for certain spells over others.
  30. Sharpened Knife, Mind Blast, and/or Sonic Blast: These skills are all weavings tools, having a base cast time of 1s and base recast time of 2.5s. We will use these to weave our OGCDs. Sharpened knife is the strongest ST, but requires melee range. Sonic blast is ST, ranged, sacrifices 10 potency, but is also magic/wind (relevant for libra/peculiar light). Mind Blast is melee ranged, but a DPS gain over Knife/Blast at 3+ targets.
  31. Devour and/or Magic Hammer: These are both weaving skills like the prior mentioned, but these have 60s CDs, 250 potency, and upsides. Devour gives you a 20% bonus to your Max HP for 15se. Magic Hammer is AoE, provides 10% of your max mana back for all enemies hit, and provides -10% INT/MND on all targets hit. Both of these are the best weaving tools we have, and simply replace one of the prior mentioned skills every 60s. These skills also have some utility for helping the tank (in the form of mitigation).
  32. Bristle; optional Whistle: Bristle is paired with Song of Torment; you “lose” a GCD to make your next spell (not ability!) deal an additional 50% damage. In the case of our DoT, Bristle is worth 275 potency (more than our filler skills). Whistle is 80% for physical skills, and can be pair with sharpened knife combos on stunnable targets.
  33. Ifrit, Ramuh, Shiva, Sophia: Ifrit and Garuda have identical potency, but Garuda’s DoT may stop ticking during intermissions. Ramuh and Titan do identical damage, but Ramuh is magic damage (which is relevant for Peculiar Light). Shiva and Levi share a CD; for Levi to outdamage Shiva, you have to be hit 8 times within 30s. Sophia and JKick share a CD; Sophia is magic damage, so we elect to use it.
  34. Ravana: When you use this skill, you use all 4 stacks together (so think of it as a 120s CD). When you use this skill, you’re basically using it in the sense of: Weaving Spell, Surpa, Surpa, Surpa, Surpa. The first and last supras would be “natural weaves”, whereas the middle two supras replace a GCD. You cannot weave other actions while spamming this skill, not even sprint.
  35. Moon Flute: Our kit contains a lot of long CD skills: all primal skills (besides ifrit/garuda) are 60s cd or longer, Ravana is 120s, mob immunity (when relevant) is 60s from the last application, devour/magic hammer are every 60, and our dot reapplication is every 30. Because if this, we end up having really strong burst windows for about 15s every minute, with long periods of us just spamming 220 potency skills. Moon Flute currently appears to be a gain every minute. A large portion of BLU’s playstyle will revolve around optimizing this skill. A sample rotation to try is: Bristle, Off-Guard, Moon Flute, Song of Torment, Devour, Ifrit, Magic Hammer, Ramuh, Knife, Sophia, Knife, Shiva, Rav x4. This requires at least 584 SpS (maybe slightly lower); more optimal moon flute rotations are currently being worked on. It is worth noting that Moon Flute is almost always taken on DPS, can often be taken by tanks, but healers will struggle to utilize it appropriately.
  36. Aetherial Mimicry: This odd skill is basically a stance. In DPS stance, you gain a flat +20% Crit Chance and +20% Direct Hit Chance. These appear to be additive bonuses to your chance to land a Crit/DH, but do not influence the damage of your Crit/DH (similar to DRG’s Battle Litany). For Healers, this augments three healing skills and gives you +20% healing magic potency. For tanks, this augments one tank-related skill while setting your defense and magic defense to be equal to a tank of identical ilvl (which ends up roughly tripling your defense, and doubling your magic defense).
  37. **Regardless of role, these skills tend to be helpful:**
  38. Dragon’s Voice and Ram’s Voice: This is a DPS gain over your filler skill. On freezable enemies, a rotation of Ram’s, Bristle, Dragon’s, Ram’s, Bristle, Dragon’s, Ram’s, Dragon’s is a gain over spamming a 220 skill. Note that this rotation will only work for 3 Rams/3 Dragons, as mobs gain status immunity.
  39. Perpetual Ray: With sufficient SpS, the loop of Perpetual Ray, Sharpened Knife can be done infinitely. This is a gain over 220 spam for targets who are not immune to stun. Whistle can be added before Perpetual Ray, and these three skills can be looped (a gain of 128.75 potency per second, compared to 2 skill loop being 121.8pps). You likely want to make sure you can do this at your SpS; I *personally* found that 583 SpS/0.96s Knife cast at 50ms is consistent, but your results may vary. It’s worth mentioning Faze+Bomb Toss: Whistle, Faze, Knife, Knife, Knife, Whistle, Bomb Toss, Knife allows you to have more weaving opportunities, but is less pps than the Perp Ray loop. This may be useful inside of certain buff windows, though.
  40. Missile/Doom/Launcher/Tail Screw: These are all “instant-kill”-esque spells. If a mob is vulnerable to one, it’s able to be hit by any of these. Missile has approximately a 2/3rd chance of hitting; Tail Screw has approximately a 1/6th chance of hitting. If you’re trying to do damage to something that’ll die relatively quickly, an early missile is easy damage. If you’re trying to cheese a mechanic by killing a tanky add, Tail Screw is better. Doom and Tail Screw tend to break even. Launcher’s precents have not been tested yet. Level 5 Death is also an AoE option for dungeons, but has a 180s recast time.
  41. White Wind: This is one of our best utility spells, and often serves as a full heal for ourselves (and heals the other BLUs in our party). Using White Wind to overheal while tanking is often a very useful way to gain aggro.
  42. Bad Breath: This skill’s 10% damage down is not resisted by any boss, making it a very potent mitigation tool. Occasionally, some of its other affects are resisted by adds.
  43. Mighty Guard/Diamondback: Mighty Guard is a free toggle during any fight with an intermission. Diamondback can be good for cheesing certain mechanics, assuming the downside of being locked out of all other skills for 10s is not too extreme.
  44. Whistle+Final Sting or Toad Oil+Self-Destruct: These suicide combos have very high potency, and can be combed with Moon Flute and Off-Guard (for sting) or Peculiar Light (for Self-Destruct/AoE). These can often be used to cheese fights, or simply add a burst of extra potency at the end of a fight. It’s common to use these in Masked Carnivale; Sting combo generally does more damage, but Self-Destruct’s AoE and fire elemental properties can often make it preferable.
  45. **These Skills Tend to Underperform:**
  46. 1000 Needles: By level 60, you just outpace the damage provided.
  47. Condensed Libra: When solo, this skill is strictly a DPS loss. When in a party with multiple other BLUs that are working with you, this skill is a DPS gain when at least 2 other BLUs are working with you. If a tank has to stay in tank stance, can be a DPS gain for him (considering Mighty Guard’s damage penalty).
  48. White+Black Knight’s Tour: These are two beams that deal 200 potency, then 400 potency for every application after. They consume the debuff that the last one leaves. In general, this would be a great skill. However, Bind is one of the worst debuffs to apply, and Bind is removed when any damage is done to that mob. It is entirely possible to use these successfully in a solo scenario, but they poorly perform in a dungeon (where all you’re guaranteed is a single White Knight, then Black Knight to consume that slow). It is worth noting that even if you do not consume the bind, it is an average potency of 300 per gcd, which is a gain over spamming 220 skills; the concern is often spell slots.
  49. Northerlies+Aqualung: Aqualung is a 220 potency skill if the entire dot ticks. Northerlies removes the dot, making it a suboptimal combo.
  50. :BLU: DPS Specific Resources :BLU:
  51. **Replacements to Filler**
  52. You can generally think of BLU as a job that has the fundamental rotation of Bristle, Song of Torment, and spam 220 potency until you need to Bristle+Song again. Because of the way that BLU’s skills work, we look at combos that exceed a potency of 73.33 potency per second (pps). If the combo outscales that, it’s worth replacing the 220 spam with.
  53. -Whistle, Faze, Sharpened Knife, Knife, Knife, Bomb Toss, Knife: 136pps every 70s vs stunnable.
  54. -Whistle, Perpetual Ray, Sharpened Knife: 128.75pps vs stunnable; infinite loop.
  55. -Perpetual Ray, Sharpened Knife: 121.8 pps; vs stunnable, infinite loop.
  56. - Ram’s Voice, Bristle, Dragon’s Voice, Ram’s, Bristle, Dragon’s, Ram’s, Dragon’s: 111pps every 60s vs freezable.
  57. **Moon Flute Windows**
  58. - Bristle, Off-Guard, Moon Flute, Song of Torment, Devour, Ifrit, Magic Hammer, Ramuh, Knife, Sophia, Knife, Shiva, Rav x4
  59. :BLU: Healer Specific Resources :BLU:
  60. **Aetherial Mimicry**
  61. When mimicking a healer, you gain +20% healing potency. Skills in this section will apply that +20% potency bonus to skills, so it’ll be slightly different than what you see in your tooltips.
  62. Pom Cure: Cure potency is increased from 100 to 600.
  63. Gobskin: Shield potency is increased from 100 to 300. This shield cannot crit.
  64. Exuviation: Heal potency increased from 50 to 360.
  65. White Wind: Is not affected by Aetherial Mimicry: Healer; you will only heal your current HP, not current+20%.
  66. **Healer Playstyle**
  67. In general, you will be spot curing with Pom Cure, reacting to mechanics preemptively with Gobskin, and using Exuviation/White Wind to heal in AoE situations. Gobskin and White Wind have good range, at 20y and 15y respectively. Exuviation only has a range of 6y, so you’ll often struggle to hit your party with this. You essentially end up playing like a DPS that does not have moon flute. Smart use of Magic Hammer (ideally to help weave) and Bad Breath can ensure you heal less.
  68. :BLU: Tank Specific Resources :BLU:
  69. **Aetherial Mimicry**
  70. Rather than raising your defense by a set amount, Aetherial Mimicry sets your defense and magic defense to be the same levels as a tank appropriate to your ilvl. This typically means your defense is tripled, and your magic defense is doubled. Only one skill is augmented by Tank Mimicry (Cactguard), and it isn’t even usable on yourself.
  71. **Enmity Generation**
  72. Mighty Guard provides all of your skills a x11 multiplier to their enmity, but only deals 30% of its damage; if Water Canon would inflict 200 worth of potency, it would deal 200 x 11 x 0.3 potency, or 660 potency, worth of threat.
  73. The Look has an additional x8 multiplier to its enmity. During Mighty Gard, The Look provides 13552 potency worth of threat.
  74. White Wind’s threat is a bit difficult to explain. White Wind has a x0.35 penalty to threat, and healing in general has a x0.5 enmity generation. Healing enmity is also split between all nearby targets. To give a reference value, if White Wind is done in a party of 8 players, with it overhealing 20k HP per target, it’ll provide 28000 potency worth of threat. If there were two targets, each target would receive 14000 potency worth of threat. For three targets, 9333 potency.
  75. In general, White Wind is the best way to grab initial aggro, especially in dungeons. The Look can be used to supplement threat. In lower level dungeons, you can reasonably take off Mighty Guard and AoE as a DPS would. In raids and some dungeons (vault 1st boss comes to mind), this is likely not an option unless you’re willing to plan out diamondback usages.
  76. **Tank Playstyle**
  77. After grabbing threat, it’ll become an issue of mitigation. You only have one traditional cooldown: Devour is like Warrior’s Thrill of Battle. Diamondback is a 90% mitigation tool, but you end up losing 10s of uptime every time you use it. Because of this, BLU has to be creative with how it manages mitigation. Bad Breath is a 10% damage down, and can be very potent before tank busters. Addle and Magic Hammer provide a -10% to INT and MND, which is very strong for magic tankbusters. Cactguard can be used by your offtank, but requires an offtank to use it. So in general, you’ll be trying to reduce damage with Bad Breath/Magic Hammer/Addle, and upping your HP with Devour.
  78. The tank specific skills are fairly lackluster. Cactguard is a defensive GCD that only applies to allies. Avail is like old PLD Cover, which can lead to interesting cheese using Avail+Diamondback. Frog Legs is an AoE Provoke, but the 8y circle design of it makes it difficult to peel off a specific mob.
  79. If the tank has to stay in Mighty Guard, it is much less of a DPS loss for the tank to be using Condensed Libra and Off-Guard/Peculiar Light for his party. In a party of 8, it’s reasonable for 2 healers, 2 tanks, and 2 DPS to be in charge of using Peculiar Light and Off-Guard (as they have a 15s duration, 60s cd, and the DPS will be using moon flute at least every minute).
  80. We are currently testing if Magic Hammer and Addle stack. It seems unlikely from initial testing.
  81. For a general purpose dungeon set, this covers most of your bases. You have your AoE combos (ram’s/dragon & white/black knight tour), a moon flute package, missile for tanky adds/certain bosses, along with your standard spells. Easy replacements here would be removing the Knight combo for Faze/Bomb or other AoE spells (Level 5 Death comes to mind). Replacing Stun for Raise is also a reasonable option.
  82. We’re sacrificing AoE combos and stun combos, because bosses tend to be immune to freeze and stun. Instead, we’re taking some utility skills: sardine for interrupt, diamondback/mighty guard for downtime, Bad Breath for damage down (especially if you’re the only BLU!). We take some QOL spells, like Sonic Boom for ranged weaving, and Whistle+Final Sting for end of the fight burst. Replacing Sonic Break, Off-Guard or Peculiar Light for another spell is entirely reasonable in a full BLU party; I would suggest taking Northerlies to cover all 3 potential Libras. Replacing one of these skills with Raise is also a solid option.
  83. Here, we lose a couple of things for our healing package: We no longer are carrying our AoE combo or stun, and we can’t reasonably take Moon Flute. With our remaining slots, we take spells for comfort, like Bad Breath/Sardine to cover other players neglecting their use, and Sonic Boom to have more ranged mobility/weaving opportunities. In an organized group, replacing Sonic Boom or Off-Guard/Peculiar Light (organize this with your co-healer) with Northerlies is a good option to cover all 3 Libra options. Replacing one of the prior two mentioned skills with Raise is also reasonable.
  84. The only real tank skill we take here is The Look. We also take Libra in the case that we’re stuck in Mighty Guard, as it’s much less of a DPS loss for the tank to apply. Moon Flute is still on this kit, as you can reasonably map your last GCD in Moon Flute to be Diamondback. Bad Breath, Devour, Sardine, Mighty Guard, and Diamondback are our mitigation tools; remember that some bosses (especially casters) are entirely nullified by sardine spam. As always, replacing either Off-Guard or Peculiar Light with Raise is a reasonable option. Tanks could also look into taking only Ram’s Voice in dungeon (to let DPS spam Dragon’s Voice).

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